I apologize that the pictures are a little off from my usual - I forgot my camera when we were finishing off the left-overs, so my boyfriend was nice enough to snap a few shots with his iPhone so there was a least some photographic evidence! If you follow the link to the blog where I originally found this recipe, there are much prettier pictures. I highly recommend using mint leaves, as fresh as you can get them (ahem, farmer's market!). While fresh berries are currently at their cheapest right now, I opted to save a little money and use frozen blackberries for this recipe, which turned out great, since it wasn't as crucial as a fruit salad to have the fresh variety. They add flavor and texture while being mini-ice cubes!
Blackberry Mint Lemonade, adapted from SavorySweetLife
Serves 8
3 cups water
1 cup sugar
18 mint leaves, torn
2 cups frozen blackberries
3 mint sprigs
4 cups natural store-bought lemonade (definitely spend the extra $1 for the good stuff- taste is important!)
mint sprigs to garnish
2 cups vodka, (or to taste) if desired
1. Bring the water and sugar to a boil in a small pan, stirring until the sugar is dissolved.
2. Turn off the heat, add the torn mint leaves and stir. Allow the syrup to cool.
*If in a hurry, separate the syrup into 2 or 3 containers to cool faster
3. Add blackberries to a blender or bowl (if using a wand blender - but watch splatters!). Pour mint syrup through a strainer into the container, discard mint leaves.
4. Pulse on low speed, just enough to break up the berries but not puree them.
5. Combine the berries/mint syrup with lemonade, pour over a pitcher half-full of ice and 3 mint leaves.
6. If desired, add vodka and stir to combine. Add more ice if desired before serving and enjoy!
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